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R-Spec Mustang Review

Image The source of the increases for push and twist for the Mustang R-Spec is a supercharger developed by Ford Performance in the U.S. There’s an air capacity of 2.65 litres, and pushed into the engine at 12psi. With little other than that, the standard V8 jumps to 522kW and 827Nm for the American Mustangs. The engine in the R-Spec is said to produce something around the same, if perhaps a bit more. [More]

Ford vs Ferrari Movie Review

Politics. When you read the word you would normally go to Liberal v Labor, Republicans v Democrats...for those that have and do work in the fields of motorsport and car sales, the word is just as applicable.
The 2019 film Ford vs Ferrari is about politics in those fields. Yet, the title is largely about the sub-plot of what happened between Enzo Ferrari and Henry Ford the second. [More]

Longford Circuit - When Formula 1 was in Tassie

Longford is a historic town with settlers putting down stakes for land as early as 1807 and is located some twenty minutes drive southwest from Launceston. It’s a farmland settlement and home to the oldest continually operating horse racing site in Australia. And from 1953 to 1968 it played host to a number of motorsports events including two Australian Grands Prix. [More]

Iconic 80’s Car Video Games

There are few phrases that are guaranteed to annoy someone than “back in the day” or “when I was young” to infer things were better then. They’re a couple of phrases that can be applied to so many things like Star Wars films, tv comedies, Formula 1, console games and with car racing.
Whoa! Wait a second. Do you mean that hi-res graphics, ultra-realistic driving dynamics, and surround sound isn’t as good as what the 1980s brought alive? [More]

Supercars Abroad

ImageSupercars, as they are now known, and previously as the V8 Supercars and Australian Touring Car Championship, have had a strong presence in this country for quite some time now. Followers have seen Falcons, Commodores, Skylines, and more, pound the circuits of Australia.
However, there were occasional excursions to places other than Sydney or Perth or tracks in Tasmania. And for the sake of prudency we’ll also include New Zealand as we’re looking at locations such as Europe or Japan. [More]

Electric Manual Mustang

The Ford Mustang Lithium is an “ultra-high-performance battery electric Mustang fastback prototype” says Ford, and packs a high voltage punch. In equivalent terms, power and torque are rated at 670kW and a truly staggering 1355Nm of twist. Remembering that electric motors produce maximum torque at zero revs, this amount of torque is on tap as soon as the go-button is pressed. [More]

How to Protect Your Paint This Summer

Summer in Australia. Perth has a dry, baking heat. Darwin and the FNQ region has “the wet”. Brisbane and Sydney have a mix of wet heat and thunderstorms. Melbourne and Hobart have their own climate requirements, as does Adelaide.

This makes looking after a car’s paint potentially fraught with region specific issues for a vehicle built to cover a wide environment. Here’s a few tips that may help. [More]