Van Nationals Wrap Up 23 October 2019 07:56 Rare Spares General, Rare Spares (0) Share />In April of 2019, in the town of Charters Towers, Queensland, the 44th “Van Nationals” was held. The first event was held in 1975, the same year a film about a shark terrified audiences around the world. The next event, by the way, will be held at the home of “The Dish”, Parkes in NSW, over the Easter weekend in April 2020. [More]
The Ford Barra Engine. A Modern Classic? 24 July 2018 11:19 Rare Spares General, Rare Spares (0) ShareGrandpa’s axe. It’s a term usually employed to describe something that’s been around for decades and is almost unbreakable. And when it does break it’s repaired in a low tech way. Simplicity rules, you see. Ford’s venerable straight six engine was Australia’s aut... [More]