Roxy Marshall's HR Holden panel van 27 March 2023 04:29 Rare Spares (0) Share Roxy Marshall has been in the automotive industry since just 15-years-old, so to say that she can clean up a car is an understatement! Roxy always loved Sandmans but because she couldn't afford one... she decided to get the next best thing - a HR van. A HR van with no working gauges, no working handbrake, no door rubbers or trims and vice grips for window winders becomes Penelope Panelvan with some tender love and care. [More]
Bronzed Aussie: Real-deal LC GTR restoration 27 February 2023 10:18 Rare Spares (0) Share Damian 'Damo' Worthy doesn't have a long career in vehicle restorations, but with a youth spent fiddling with all things LC/LJ, he's now combining his passion with his skills. Even after only being in the automotive industry for 2 years, Damo understood that car enthusiasts care not only about the quality of his work, but also need to trust him with their pride and joy. Alan trusted Damo with his 1970-build LC Torana GTR and Damo proved him right giving the Torana GTR the love it deserved after sitting for four years. [More]
Resto My Ride with EJ and an EJ 30 July 2015 08:09 Rare Spares (0) ShareRare Spares has kindly donated an EJ Holden for restoration to the EJ Whitten Foundation to raise awareness for the Men’s Health. Resto my Ride, a documentary currently being filmed at Bodymaster Prestige Paint and Panel is embarking on an Australian first by donating a fully restor... [More]